Many Experiences, One Clairbourn

It is hard to believe 117 days of school have gone by! That is 936 hours of learning and 56,160 minutes of growing! It passed by so quickly, especially when we were enjoying learning and teaching each day!

Our youngest students made many discoveries this quarter including exploration of symmetry and a vet clinic unit. They had a visit from a vet technician to talk about X-rays, animal behaviors and more. Elementary students worked on their public speaking skills and further developed their math, reading and writing abilities. They continued their science exploration with units on weather, engineering challenge experiments and the solar system. Older students had several engaging collaborative projects as well as many hands-on science opportunities, including dissecting chicken legs. They also successfully represented Clairbourn in a math competition.

Middle schoolers even took their learning outdoors and really utilized our amazing 8.5 acres of campus. Besides talking about physical fitness in PE, wellness and health were also addressed. Students flourished physically, spiritually and emotionally. They developed their confidence by trying new experiences and developed their social skills on team collaborations. Our students know the importance of gratitude, honesty, empathy, compassion, and respect, and they got to practice these values every day at school.

We not only witnessed our students’ significant growth, our community showed strong support as well. In quarter three, we reached 100% Annual Fund community participation. We are grateful to see such a strong commitment from all constituents of the school. Parent volunteers continue to be a vibrant part of our community. Thank you for supporting the school where our children learn to grow as scholars and leaders with heart.

Let’s keep moving forward!