A Clairbourn parent once said, “Clairbourn learning is fluid and boundless. Both of my children learn not only through textbooks, but also from the daily conversations they have with their teachers and their interactions with their peers. It’s amazing how every moment is a learning moment at Clairbourn!” When we think about our lower school Spanish program, this is the perfect description: Every moment is a learning moment!

When you walk by our lower school Spanish classroom, you are immediately drawn to a festive door — the gateway to the world of Spanish! You hear conversations and singing in Spanish and Mrs. Rubio talking about Hispanic culture.
This program is offered from kindergarten to fifth grade. Different teaching approaches are incorporated to keep students engaged. Sensory exploration is a big part of our learning experience. Students run their fingers through orange rice and count the pieces of black bowtie pasta they find in the tray. They practice their vocabulary by singing La Araña pequeñita (Itsy Bitsy Spider) while busy freeing a plastic glow-in-the dark spider from a block of frozen ice. “This is so much fun! I love Spanish class!” a first grader said with such excitement.

The rich culture and history of Spanish speaking countries is also brought to life in this language program. Students listen to stories and taste various Hispanic dishes. They even got to make both sweet and savory tamales which were a big hit! Students stay motivated and learn through a wide range of hands-on activities. To strengthen vocabulary, students toss balls in the air while shouting out Spanish words and then they construct these words into complete sentences. Technology is also used as a supporting tool for students to expand and review their understanding of Spanish.
Currently, students are learning how to make orugüitas (caterpillars) while memorizing a Spanish song called Dos Oruguitas. Mrs. Rubio helps students gain confidence by analyzing the lyrics and using strategies to make the task managable. It is a joy to walk by the classroom and hear the students sing fluently in a second language. At Clairbourn, each classroom is alive and learning is boundless!