Set Your Child Up for Home-Study Success

With school starting up in Remote Learning formats at almost all school locations, now is a great time to set up your child with everything they need to support their home studies.  

This personalized work space is inviting with a cozy rug, several chairs, and colorful posters.

Begin by considering a properly-equipped location in your home where your child can learn. Experts say that, “Without a specific learning spot, young learners can be easily distracted, they don’t have supplies they need nearby, and there’s no sense of consistency. The family couch, then, as comfortable and easy as it seems, may not be the right option for young children needing to learn about routines, early education, and self-regulation.”1

While assessing the available space in the home, ask yourself what type of setup would provide the most consistency in your child’s learning? Would portable learning boxes for different subjects work best, or would it work better to create a designated area of the house where they have everything out and ready?  Are there electrical outlets to plug in lights and to keep devices charged? Should there be a simple or a stimulating environment for my child? What are their favorite things to look at and interact with to keep them engaged?1

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Remote Learning Done Right!

Many parents in the Los Angeles area have heard that, as of July 17, 2020, area schools are required by Governor Newsom to be in Remote-Learning mode in the fall. This has left people searching for answers to find out what their school is offering compared with other schools, will their child have a quality experience this time around, and will there be improvements to what families experienced in the Spring of 2020.

A Clairbourn Kindergarten student works on a class assignment in her designated home workspace.

To help answer those questions, Clairbourn School is sharing what it has learned about building a quality Remote Learning Program based on its recent experience with its students, parent feedback from surveys, and consultation with experts.

Success with remote learning requires several school-side factors to exist in combination with a home environment configured to support the student including the basics of a quite place to complete work and a daily schedule.

Here are 10 indicators that you are partnered with a school with a quality Remote Learning Program:

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